Synopsis of The Super Mario Bros Movie – The Super Mario Bros Movie. Movie is an animated adventure and comedy genre film that is fun to watch. This is not the first time Mario Bros. has been cast in a film. In 1993, the Mario Bros. game brought to the big screen but failed.

This time, Mario Bros. returns to the big screen in an animated format. The voice of the main character filled by Chris Pratt, who considered successful in bringing Mario Bros. characters to life, starting with his optimistic and goofy attitude.

For players of the Mario Bros. game in the past, the animated film The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which worked on by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, obviously raises a lot of questions and piques their curiosity. How exciting is the story? Check out the following synopsis of The Super Mario Bros. Movie:

List of Super Mario Bros Movie Characters

Synopsis of The Super Mario Bros Movie

Before entering the synopsis of The Super Mario Bros. Movie, here are some important characters in this latest cinematic film:

1. Mario

Mario’s character described as a plumber whose job is to fix underground drains. With his red shirt, Mario has a mission to find his missing brother, Luigi.

2. Luigi

Just like Mario, Luigi is a typical plumber with green clothes. While on the way, Luigi separated from Mario and taken hostage by Bowser.

3. Princess Peach

Princess Peach rules the Mushroom Kingdom. When Mario arrives in the Mushroom Kingdom, he helps Princess Peach find Luigi.

4. Bowser

King Bowser known as the main antagonist character in the game and film versions of Super Mario Bros. Also known as King Koopa, who leads an army of Koopa, turtle-shaped creatures.

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5. Toads

The character Toad known as an inhabitant of the Mushroom Kingdom. He seemed to accompany Princess Peach. Toad also seen guiding Mario as a plumber in the Mushroom Kingdom by being his friend.

6. Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong, abbreviated as DK, is a gorilla who confronts Mario while trying to save Luigi from a hostage.

7. Penguin King

Penguin King was one of Bowser’s early victims who took over his realm. The Penguin King and his soldiers are taken hostage while trying to take the Power Star.

8. Kamek

Kamek is a sorcerer who becomes Bowser’s right-hand man. Kamek provided advice and information while serving Bowser.

Synopsis of The Super Mario Bros Movie

Synopsis of The Super Mario Bros Movie

The latest cinema film The Super Mario Bros. plumbers are named Mario and Luigi. They are brothers and sisters who have ambitions to become reliable plumbers in the city of Brooklyn.

One day, the city they live in flooded due to a clogged pipe. It seemed that Mario saw an opportunity that, if successful, would admired by many people in Brooklyn. Mario assisted by Luigi to examine the pipe.

In the synopsis for The Super Mario Bros. Movie, when they examine the pipe, it sucked into a unique world. Luigi appears to be entering the world of Dark Land, and Mario is entering the Mushroom Kingdom.

The world of Dark Land ruled by Bowser and full of darkness, so it looks scary. In contrast to Mario, who sucked into the Mushroom Kingdom, which calm and fun.

Synopsis The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues, and Mario wants to find Luigi. Until finally entering the Mushroom Kingdom and meeting Princess Peach’s daughter, On the other hand, Mario just found out that Luigi had fallen into a world that was quite dangerous.

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Princess Peach helps Mario save Luigi when the Mushroom Kingdom faces Bowser’s threat. This latest cinematic film is interesting for all ages to watch. Moreover, the audience presented with the mushroom kingdom, which makes the eyes fresh.

In the mushroom kingdom, there are bright colors, and the audience seems to be invited to experience nostalgia for Nintendo’s version of Mario Bros. Starting from gaining strength by passing obstacles like those presented in the game.

Animation With Cinematic Colors

Synopsis of The Super Mario Bros Movie

Not only is the synopsis for The Super Mario Bros. Movie exciting, but the pictures are also enjoyable to watch. The colors of the characters in this latest cinematic film seem alive and able to make the audience laugh.

Judging from the synopsis of the film, the film presents a simple and interesting story. Mario Bros. characters are also not good at telling a simple and interesting story. Mario Bros. characters are also not good at fighting. But has the intelligence and agility that are quite capable. In contrast to Luigi, who has a timid character.

There are only a few notes that still seem stuck in this film, such as the several times the humor in The Super Mario Bros. Movie seems forced. Whether it’s because you can’t relate to the entire audience or the trio of creators who try hard to make the film enjoyable,

Synopsis The Super Mario Bros. Movie has an adorable and funny impression to watch. This cinematic film is suitable for children and parents to enjoy on holidays.