Left Behind Movies in Order Recommendation

Left Behind Movies in Order. The Left Behind film series is based on the Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins book series of the same name. It portrays the end of the world as we know it in the Bible and the world that remained.

Many fans wanted to watch the entire franchise again because the most recent film in the series was released on January 26, 2023. However, it’s not that simple to arrange them all in the correct order because to reboots and spinoffs. Here are the six Left Behind films in chronological sequence, along with all of their sequels, reboots, and spinoffs. Enjoy!

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Left Behind movies in order (by release date)

1. Left Behind: The Movie (2000)

1. Left Behind: The Movie (2000)

A television journalist named Buck Williams begins working on a story about numerous unsolved disappearances that have occurred suddenly and all across the world. Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig, a scientist working on a technique to make any soil on the world fertile and simple to grow, is one of the wild characters that accompany him on this adventure.

The unexpected disappearances were actually the Rapture, which marked the beginning of the Biblical prophesy of Armageddon. Those who vanished were true Christians. Buck discovers that those left behind must strive to find salvation because the scientist’s scheme is truly the Antichrist’s attempt to rule the globe.

2. Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002)

2. Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002)

The world descends into disease, famine, war, and an absolute struggle for survival after the start of the Armageddon and the Rapture, which results in the sudden disappearance of millions of true believers, and only one in four people will survive to fight another day. For those who dare to oppose the Antichrist, it gets even worse.

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Rayford Steele, Buck Williams, and others are aware that battling those who oppose God is the only way to find redemption. They establish a covert organization called the Tribulation Force, whose sole purpose is to persuade non-Christians to accept Christianity and provide them hope for salvation.

3. Left Behind III: World at War (2005)

Left behind movies in order

Years have passed, and the struggle of the survivors continues, but after Nicolae Carpathia explodes many nuclear bombs all across the planet, everything is in complete disarray and ruins. Carpathia conducts a number of devastating attacks on the Tribulation Force, bringing them to their knees, but they aren’t willing to give up.

A failed assassination attempt on American President Gerald Fitzhugh 18 months after Carpathia came to power prompted him to request assistance from the Tribulation Force in resolving the case. Nothing will ever be the same again because of how deeply entwined their lives become after that. Is Carpathia the Antichrist of the Bible? Is the Trib Force going to win?

4. Left Behind (2014)

Left behind movies in order

Nicholas Cage plays Rayford Steele, the pilot who initially portrayed by Brad Johnson, in the 2014 revival of the Left Behind franchise. Instead of Buck Williams, the reporter played by Kirk Cameron in the first trilogy, Steele’s plot takes center stage. Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill) played Buck Williams in the reboot.

As you would have predicted, the story is pretty similar to that of the original Left Behind movie. Rayford Steele fights to maintain order among his passengers when the Biblical Rapture occurs in the middle of the flight and a number of passengers—including his co-pilot—disappear.

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Instead, Buck Williams takes over as his co-pilot while Chloe Steele, his daughter, struggles to survive the ensuing pandemonium in the city and locate her mother and brother. The horrible 3.1/10 IMDb rating is proof that the film received awful reviews from every single source. Even so, it still managed to turn a healthy profit, so it’s really no surprise that a sequel made.

5. Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023)

Left behind movies in order

Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist, the most recent entry in the Left Behind series, is a direct sequel to the Left Behind movie from 2014, which starred Nicolas Cage. Kevin Sorbo, the movie’s director, took over his Rayford Steel character at this point.

The entire world had descended into anarchy, but when a new leader assumed control of the UN, it offered some hope to the people who had been left behind. However, is he truly the admirable person he presents himself to be? Or is he a masquerade for the devil?

The movie’s reviews haven’t been spectacular so far, but they are unquestionably better than those of its 2014 predecessor. I thought the movie’s climax was completely absurd (go figure in a saga like that, right? ), but I’m not the one to ask for advice on the Left Behind series.

6. Vanished – Left Behind: Next Generation (2016)

Left behind movies in order

Last but not least, the teen-targeted spinoff movie Vanished is based on the Left Behind: The Kids series of 40 novellas, which is a spinoff of the Left Behind book series.

A group of children, including Gabby and her sister, followed throughout the entirety of the film beginning at the Rapture, when millions of people vanish. When so many people disappeared without a trace and the world descended into turmoil, they had to come together to live and try to understand what had just happened.

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Since it was a weak, depressing film, it is easy to overlook when discussing the Left Behind series as a whole. It’s not that the other films are brilliant—far from it—but this one isn’t really related to the main plot and was generally disappointing, so it’s understandable why so few people were aware of it.

Left Behind Movies in Order