Synopsis of Train to Busan, Zombie Attack on the Train

Synopsis Train to Busan – Can you imagine being trapped in a situation where half of Earth’s people have become zombies or undead? Of course you have to run as fast as you can so you don’t get bitten, which will make you turn like the living dead, right?

This time, for you fans of zombie-themed thrillers, you must watch a film made in Korea entitled Train to Busan.

This film tells of Seok-Woo, played by handsome actor Gong Yoo, and his son, Soo-an, who will go to Busan. They will meet Soo-an’s mother or Seok-Woo’s ex-wife as a birthday present for Soo-an. However, while on their way, they trapped in the train they were taking to Busan, which infested with zombies. Then, what will happen to them?

synopsis train to busan

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Synopsis Train to Busan

This film begins with a truck crossing an area that heavily guarded by a group of people in protective suits who are very close. The area probably a restricted area that sterilized because it had exposed to radiation or something because there a sign plastered on the area saying “Precautionary Process Area.”

The truck that was about to pass earlier passed the inspection and continued on its way. While passing through a deserted area, the truck hits a deer covered in blood. But after hit, the deer ran and came back to life. Maybe the deer has hit by the plague and has become a zombie.

On the other hand, Seok Woo, the manager who always busy, invited by his daughter, who having a birthday, named Soo-an, to visit her mother in Busan. They boarded an electric train to Busan. As the train was about to leave, a woman with bite marks on her knees entered the train car.

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It turned out that the woman had caught the plague and then became a zombie. Initially, he bit and infected a female officer. Then finally, most of the train passengers were infected and became zombies, causing panic among the other passengers who had not infected.

synopsis train to busan

Conflict begins to heat up.

This is where the conflict started to heat up because all the panicked passengers rushed to the carriages, which were still safe and not yet infected. Seok Woo also ran while looking for his daughter, who disappeared to save herself. Luckily, his daughter found, and he went to another car that still safe.

During the rescue action, he met a chubby man named Sang Hwa and his pregnant wife. Then he also met Yong Guk, a teenager wearing baseball clothes along with the others while passing through the carriages to save themselves and their families.

They fight against every zombie in every car they pass so they can get to car 13, which claimed to be safe from zombies. They finally realized that the zombies are very weak in dark conditions.

synopsis train to busan

Sang Hwa sacrificed himself for his wife.

Seok Woo and the others finally took advantage of the opportunity when the train entered the tunnel, so they could safely pass through the cars. However, it turned out that car 13 was not safe, and they had to go to car 15.

There, we will presented with a sad scene where Sang Hwa finally has to sacrifice himself for his pregnant wife. This caused by the despair of a grandmother who saw her brother become a zombie and opened the door to make herself join him, causing all the zombies to enter the carriage and attack.

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Seok-hwa receives word that Busan safe from the zombie attack and determined to head there. Then what will happen to Seok Hwa and the others?