Best Movies About Sales Recommendation

Movies About Sales – Every day, the world of marketing becomes more exciting to learn. There are many creative ways to achieve marketing goals. For this reason, learning marketing is not enough from books alone. Apart from books, there are several other media that we can choose to learn about the world of marketing. Movies are one of them.

From films about marketing, we will get new perspectives and ideas that we can learn. Films about marketing can be fun learning material. If you are interested in learning about the world of marketing from films, let’s learn marketing from several selected films about marketing below.

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Movies About Sales

1. Thank You for Smoking [2006]

Movies About Sales

Nick Naylor is a lobbyist for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. In the midst of the incessant anti-tobacco movement, he managed to change things. In a talk show, he succeeded in countering various arguments that should have cornered him. However, on another talk show he encountered harsh resistance which led him to bigger problems.

In carrying out his work, Nick Naylor can used as an example. He is a tenacious person with extensive knowledge. So when he supposed to in a pressured position, he able to change the situation.

2. The Joneses [2009]

Movies About Sales

The Joneses is a film that tells the story of a family who has just moved into an upper class neighborhood. They blend well with their neighbors. With a stable financial condition and an almost perfect life, they become a kind of trendsetter in the environment.

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Behind all that, it turns out they have no family ties at all. They people who gathered to market products to upper class people. They set high standards which then impact their neighbors who follow those standards. Interesting story to read, right?

3. The Pursuit of Happyness [2006]

Movies About Sales

Chris Gardner lives in a working class family. Working as a salesman, he risked his life by spending his savings on capital to sell health products but failed. Chris did not give up even though his wife started to leave him and minimal finances made him and his children struggle desperately to survive.

He continued to look for ways to support himself and his children until he applied to a company that operates in the stock sector. This film tells the story of his journey until he became known as a famous stockbroker. There a lot of marketing knowledge that can taken from this film.

4. Flash of Genius [2008]

Flash of Genius [2008]

Dr. Robert Kearns, who is usually called Bob, works as a lecturer in electrical engineering. When he came home from church, he observed how the water wiper worked on the windshield of a manually moving car. The next day, Robert and his two children made an automatic water sweeper by combining calculations on how the water sweeper works with how the eye works.

Bob’s success in finding a tool called a wiper led him to a big opportunity. It’s not always sweet, he also has to face bitter things such as the theft of the formula he made. This film has an interesting and important story for the world of marketing. Especially if you really care about originality and legal aspects.

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5. The Social Network [2010]

The Social Network [2010]

Who doesn’t know Facebook? This film tells how Facebook was created. Mark had an idea so that Harvard students could share their personal information on a site safely which he would call Thefacebook.

With financial assistance from Eduardo Saverin, the site was successfully released. Mark takes unique ways to expand his site. This film also tells the story of how he met Sean Parker, who was first involved in the internet sector. How they proceed is an interesting story to listen to. Changing Thefacebook to Facebook, dealing with people who want to trip you up, until internal conflicts occur.

6. Movies About Sales: Jobs [2015]

Jobs [2015]

Apart from being known as a great innovator, Steve Jobs was also known as a marketing genius. Apple’s advertisements under his leadership have always succeeded in stealing the hearts of consumers. This film tells the story of the journey of Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. Stephen, who thought that the electronics field was just a hobby, with Steve’s help was able to make it a job.

It would sound too perfect if he didn’t have any flaws, this film also tells another side of Jobs. Like how he had a bad relationship with his son, and his perfectionist figure had to force his best friend to leave the company they built. There are many valuable lessons about marketing that can be learned from this film.