Breakback Mountain Synopsis and Review – Breakback Mountain Synopsis and Review. The lives of cowboys in America are usually synonymous with the lives of men who are so masculine. But in a film called Brokeback Mountain, we will witness another side of these men who never let go of their horse and their trademark hat.

This is a review and synopsis of the film Brokeback Mountain, a drama film that tells about the romance of two cowboys.

Synopsis and Review Breakback Mountain

Breakback Mountain synopsis and review

In the summer of 1963, two young cowboys, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, go to work on Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming. They are assigned to a remote, all-male camp that is home to a few other cowboys and their herd of sheep. At first, the two young men are content with their new job and the freedom it allows them.

But as the summer progresses, they find themselves growing closer and closer, until they finally share an intimate moment. This experience changes them forever, and they are never able to forget what happened on Brokeback Mountain.

Beautiful Visual View of the Mountains

Breakback Mountain synopsis and review

As the title suggests, this Brokeback Mountain film takes many settings in a place called the Brokeback Mountains. Not only being a location setting, Brokeback Mountain is also a quite important in the storyline of this film.

Therefore, throughout the duration of this 134-minute film, we will spoiled with beautiful visuals from Brokeback Mountain.

With cinematographic techniques that show a lot of wide shots or wide-angle shots, the beauty of Brokeback Mountain can conveyed clearly in the visuals. Beautiful expanses of mountains and grass, blue clouds, and clear river water will spoil your eyes throughout the film.

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Not only in terms of visuals, but the nuances of the natural beauty of Brokeback Mountain will also increasingly felt by the sound system used. When showing the atmosphere of Brokeback Mountain, this film uses a lot of the natural atmospheric sounds of the mountains with background music that plays slowly so that it sounds peaceful and calm.

American Cowboy Vibes That Really Feel

Breakback Mountain synopsis and review

Apart from showing many beautiful views of the natural mountains, the film Brokeback Mountain is also very thick with American cowboy nuances. By setting the film in the 60s and 70s in rural America, this cowboy feel will felt throughout the film, from the costumes to the storyline.

Cowboy-style costumes with hats, vests, and denim pants are the costumes worn by the main characters and supporters of this film.

Likewise with the many story scenes that display the skills of the main characters in riding horses to conquer rodeo bulls. For you cowboy movie lovers, Brokeback Mountain can be your movie choice!

Famous actors and actresses

Breakback Mountain synopsis and review

Another attraction of the film Brokeback Mountain is the lineup of actors and actresses who play the main roles. In this film, two well-known Hollywood actors, namely Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall, play the main characters, Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist. These two characters are told to have a romantic relationship.

The acting quality of Heath Ledger and Jaack Gyllenhall certainly cannot doubted. Both of them are able to play their respective characters, who look dashing and macho as cowboys but can also be so emotional when showing their feelings for each other.

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The acting chemistry of the two when they are same-sex couples also deserves a thumbs up.

Apart from Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall, this film also features many other big names as supporting actors. Among them are Anne Hathaway, who plays Jack’s wife, Lureen, and Michelle Williams, who plays Ennis’ wife, Alma. With so many big names in this film, you certainly can’t miss Brokeback Mountain.

That’s the review and synopsis of Brokeback Mountain, a cowboy-themed film that tells about the forbidden love affair between two cowboys at Brokeback Mountain.