Reasons Why You Should Watch Doctor Strange

watch doctor strange – Doctor Strange, a superhero created by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has been showing in all cinemas in Indonesia since October 26, 2016. The film, which tells about the journey of a surgeon played by Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), is an interesting dish to watch towards the end of the year.

Dr. Stephen Strange, who works as a surgeon but has a selfish and arrogant nature, has experienced significant life changes. The life changes that the doctor experienced began with a car accident he was in, which caused nerve damage to both of his hands.

The film, which became Benedict Cumberbatch’s debut in the ‘Marvel world’, brings a fantasy dimension as if full of magic. The audience can really feel the extraordinary changes in dimensions shown in the film. Plus, this is the Marvel film debut for the character Doctor Strange and his actor, Benedict Cumberbatch. Let’s see 5 reasons to watch this film immediately!

4 Reasons To Watch Doctor Strange Immediately:

1. Movie’s Sophisticated technology and graphics

doctor strange using his magic

It’s no secret that Marvel always spices up their films with sophisticated effects. Of course the movie Doctor Strange also has sophisticated visual effects. For example, when the Ancient One brought the main character into the Mirror Dimension, the fight in the Mirror Dimension also occurred between Doctor Strange and Kaelicius.

2. The change in nature that happened to Doctor Strange

doctor strange

A change in character is a common thing that happens to humans. Changes in character and attitude must be made so that they can continue to live a meaningful life after getting hit by a life-changing disaster.

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Here, the character Doctor Strange have some difficulties to live after his life goals taken away. For him, being a surgeon is everything. However, Strange stopped doing that after the accident. He went through many difficult moments before he finally realized that his life still had to go on. He also learned to change the nature and way of looking at life.

3. Doctor Strange’s Smart sense of humor.

watch doctor strange

Who doesn’t know that Marvel movies, with all their witty dialogue, capture the attention of their fans? Smart, humorous dialogue is also one of the reasons to watch Doctor Strange. Besides being spoilt with a great adventure storyline, the audience will also often laugh at the funny actions and witty humorous dialogue conveyed in the film.

4. The Movie’s After Credit Moments.

Some Teasers are there for a reason. This is an attraction for the audience, especially Marvel movie lovers who are curious about the story that will continue in the future. So, when the movie ended, make sure you still stay seated to see what story might come next.