Friends with Benefits Movie Cast and Synopsis

Friends with Benefits Cast. Although “Friends With Benefits” appears to follow rom-com formulae automatically, that doesn’t mean it isn’t entertaining. Of course, it is possible to have sex with someone without falling in love. If you’re Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, and the audience adores you and wants a romantic fadeout, it’s just not doable. I suggest the following standard: They cannot have lavish sex in a big-budget, big-star movie, and then be split apart at the conclusion.

friends with benefits

Friends with Benefit Synopsis

The good thing about this film is that it demonstrates that both Timberlake and Kunis are genuine light-comedians. They already established themselves in dramas (“The Social Network” and “Black Swan”), thus this must imply that they are generally the real deal. They now only need to defeat comic book superheroes.

She portrays Jamie, a New York City executive headhunter. He portrays Dylan, a talented art director for a website with 6 million monthly visitors. He is now able to collaborate with a large staff at an office. (Even though I just have one person and my website receives more visitors, Dylan’s company clearly has a greater sense of business.) Dylan agrees to travel to New York to attend an interview with Jamie for his dream position as the art director for GQ magazine. Even though she is Meg Ryan, she is about as charming as it is possible for one person to be in one evening to convince him to change his mind.

friends with benefits

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Dinner dates continue to multiply. You anticipate the outcome. They confess that they’ve had horrible success finding partners, affirm that they aren’t looking for a new one, and agree to engage in only physical sex without any consideration of feelings. This results in activity that can be easily discerned (from the way things move around out of sight) as to what is happening. Well-written, well-directed, and well-performed moments like this one need a lot of comedy skill.

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Friends with Benefits Cast

Now, the formula calls for them to fall in love, encounter difficulties, quarrel, end their relationship permanently, and so on. The cast of “Friends With Benefits” is filled with talented supporting performers, which makes the procedure more enjoyable. Jamie’s mother, Patricia Clarkson, is an unrepentant sexual revolutionary.Richard Jenkins portrays Dylan’s father, an Alzheimer’s patient. That is the type of illness when the patient has precisely timed lucid moments to give important speeches before relapsing.

friends with benefits

Dylan befriends Tommy (Woody Harrelson), the loud and outspoken homosexual sports editor who commutes to work in a speedboat, at the GQ office. That gets me to daydreaming about Dylan’s contributions to the magazine’s online content, where he contributes articles like “How to Wear White Pants at a Cookout.”

GQ is somewhat, but not fully, in my opinion too cool for that feature. Its website now has an update on plaid pocket squares (“How I wear my square really depends on my mood: typically, I’m a standard, straight-across-fold kind of guy.”) in addition to a fantastic story on Mila Kunis.

But I wander. One of the running jokes in the film is that Dylan and Jamie are too cool to fall for movie love story clichés in real life. This doesn’t quite take our minds off the fact that their personal lives are the living incarnation of a romantic comedy. I suppose that is par for the course. However, not all rom-coms feature well-written, swiftly delivered dialogue. In the initial moments, Kunis speaks quickly as though she’s channeling Juno, and Timberlake keeps up without any trouble. I just found them entertaining on a basic level. That was about sufficient.