Queen of Hearts (2019) Film Directed by May el-Toukhy

Queen of Hearts – This time, the film Cheating Wife tells the story of a family who has married for a long time and has two toddlers. She is the second wife of her husband where the first wife divorced. He works as a psychiatrist for teenage children. Her husband works as a businessman.

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Synopsis Queen of Hearts

One morning the husband will rush out of town after getting a call from his first wife’s son and during the school holidays will stay on holiday with them. The next day her husband came with the son of his first wife. His stepson is now an adult at high school. When he first arrived, his stepson was very quiet and seemed to have serious personal problems, so he was unable to mingle with his children.

Her husband said goodbye and was going out of town for a few days to take care of his work. He also felt reluctant because he had to take care of his two toddler children plus his quiet stepdaughter. However, the husband still left, saying that he had to be able to help his stepson, especially as you, a psychiatrist, cannot help the problems his own child is facing.

Husband who works outside the city

The first day after her husband left her for work outside the city was still as usual, her stepson was still quiet and didn’t want to play or chat with her and her children. The next day after talked to by him, he started to show changes and started to want to play with his children. Until her husband came home, they were already familiar with each other and were starting to get used to chatting with each other.

While he was at home his stepdaughter came home from playing out with a girl her age that he had just met and they were doing it in the room overheard by his stepmother. Her stepmother didn’t forbid her, but instead wanted to because her husband had been reluctant to invite her for a long time and with their respective busy schedules they rarely did.

The increasingly horny stepmother

His stepmother became even more passionate when they played hide and seek together in the yard even though her stepdaughter didn’t feel at all what she felt. Until that night, when her husband was snoring, she felt restless and couldn’t sleep because she hadn’t been touched by her husband for a long time.

With passionate passion, he went into his stepson’s room and an affair broke out between them. Next, please guess the storyline yourself.

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